
Business Entity Selection

How to do Business Entity Selection for a Better Tomorrow?

22 Aug, 2023
Piyush Chugh

One must carefully deliberate on a business structure while establishing a new business. When we say careful, it means decision laden with both legal and tax considerations. The significance of this matter is particularly pronounced as the tax season draws near, as the chosen business structure bears a direct influence on tax matters.

Choosing the right business structure is crucial for future tax planning. The structure you select can significantly impact thе amount of taxes you’ll have to pay, as well as the complexity of your tax reporting. Different structures, such as sole proprietorships, partnerships, LLCs, S corporations, and C corporations, have varying tax implications.

For instance, some structures might allow you to take advantage of certain tax deductions, credits,or exemptions that could lower your tax liability. Others might involve more straightforward tax reporting processes, reducing the administrative burden on your business.

Rest assured, we are here to guide you through an exploration of the most prevalеnt forms of business structures, elucidating their respective implications in the realm of taxation.

Understanding Business Structures

A business structure encompasses the legal framework within which a business operates. When embarking on a new business venture, it is of paramount importance to devote careful thought to selecting the appropriate business entity. While the chosen business structure may not yield substantial influence over day-to-day operations, its role in setting forth the ownership, mitigating personal liability, and paving the way for future expansion is profound.

So, what are you going to choose?

LLC, Sole proprietorship, SCorp?

There are four business structues both offer the invaluable shield of limited liability and the flexibility of pass-through taxation.
  • Sole proprietorship
  • Partnership
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Corporation

In this blog, we will discuss all these four types of business entities to help you choose the right business entity for your business.

Sole proprietorship

Think of a sole proprietorship as a basic way of doing business. It’s like when someone runs their show without partnering up with anyone else. In this setup, the person in charge owns the business, and there’s no legal separation between the business and the business itself.

Now, the cool thing about a sole proprietorship is that the owner gets to keep all the money the business makes. It’s like they’re the boss and the employee rolled into one. But, there’s a flip side to this. Since there’s no legal separation, the owner is also on the hook for any debts, losses, or problems the business runs into.

So, if the business gets into debt or faces some kind of trouble. In that case, the person who owns the business is the one responsible for paying off those debts or sorting out the issues. And here’s the catch: if the business doesn’t have enough money to cover these problems, the owner might need to dip into their personal savings or assets to fix things.

So, while a sole proprietorship gives you the freedom to call the shots and keep your earnings, it also means taking on all the risks and responsibilities that come with thе busіness.


Within the world of business structures, a partnership embodies the harmonious connection forged between two or more individuals who unite with a shared purpose of conducting business. This collaborative framework unfolds in three distinct classifications:

  • Thе all-encompassing general partnership
  • The strategic limited partnership
  • The intricately balanced limited liability partnership

General Partnership

In this business model, two or more partners share equal liability and responsibility. Active involvement in daily operations is a core feature, and all partners hold “general partner” status, collectively accountable for debts. This structure blends skills and perspectives but demands careful financial vigilance due to shared liabilities.

Limited Partnership

Every partnership consists of a “genеral partner” and a “limited partner”. The general partner takes on the responsibility of managing the business operations and carries the burden of unlimited liability. On the other hand, the limited partner, often referred to as a silent partner, contributes financial resources to the business. However, limited partners aren’t engaged in the everyday running of the business, lack voting privileges, and consequently face restricted liability.

Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

In this setup, every partner benefits from limited personal liability. This shields them from being held accountable for the wrongful actions, such as instances of malpractice or negligence, that might be carried out by their fellow partners. Within a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), all partners retain the option to participate in the business’s management. Notably, more adaptable than preceding partnership models, LLPs grant partners the freedom to shape their management framework according to their preferences.


Opting for a corporate structure entails greater complexity and expenses compared to other business forms. Corporations, as independent legal entities, require compliance with extensive regulations and tax obligations. While offering liability protection for small-business owners, corporations involve higher costs due to state-specific regulations. They also demand more intricate accounting and tax services. Despite these, corporations offer benefits such as profit retention and enhanced capital-raising options through stock issuance.

In Corporation, there are three different types

C Corp

By default, when corporations file their articles of incorporation with the state’s business filing agency, they are categorized as C corporations. Unlike the business structures that came before, C corporations don’t fall under the category of pass-through entities. These corporations face a unique taxation system involving double taxation, where they are taxed both at the corporate level and on the personal income of their shareholders.


An S corporation stands apart from a C corporation due to its classification as a pass-through entity, which effectively prevents the issue of double taxation. Nevertheless, the IRS has put forth stringent criteria for businesses aiming to attain S corporation status, with a particular focus on shareholders. To illustrate, S corporations are limited to a maximum of 100 shareholders, all of whom need to be either U. S. citizens or residents.

LLC Business Structure

An LLC business structure stands for Limited Liability Company, is a widely used business structure in the United States. It’s kind of like a blend between a corporation and a partnership. First off, an LLC provides what’s called “limited liability.” This means that if the business runs into financial trouble or legal issues, the owners’ personal assets are generally protected. This separation between personal and business liabilities can be really helpful in safeguarding individuals from being personally responsible for the company’s debts or legal obligations.

In a nutshell, an LLC offers a nice balance between limited liability protection and a flexible approach to taxes. It’s a popular choice for many small and medium-sized businesses in the US due to these advantages.


The choice of your business’s legal structure is a pivotal decision that lays the foundation for your future endeavors. It’s not just about legalities; it’s about shaping your business’s identity. By carefully assessing the pros and cons of each structure-be it sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, or corporation – you’re essentially crafting the framework within which your business will grow. This decision impacts liability, taxation, management, and even your ability to secure funding. So, take the time to weigh your options, consider your long-term goals, and seek expert advice.

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